Friday, December 16, 2011


I often sit back and watch people and study their behavior and without qualification entertain myself by analyzing them. Sometimes, I accidentally sit in view of a mirror though without realizing. Anyway I am a bit embarrassed to admit to a personality trait in myself I just recently took notice of. I thoroughly enjoy watching people get hurt by doing stupid things and reacting in stupid ways, to common every day occurrences. Does this make me bad? I'm not saying I am a genius. I have my days of deficient IQ as well. Like the day I decided, maybe my ex WON'T kidnap my son to Pakistan. And yes I have suffered at the hands of my own stupidity. But part of me still steps back , points even at myself and laughs, "MORON!!!"

The show "Cops" used to provide hours of entertainment for me. My job, working in a bar, provides lots of entertainment. Even my own children do it. Don't worry as soon as I am able to stop laughing I teach them how not to get hurt again in the same way. Like the time my 8 year old son, while by himself, called a group of little girls who were playing on equipment he wanted, a bunch of lesbians. They beat the crap out of him. I don't think he knew what the word really meant, but I can't be sure. The girls may not have even known. He came running in to get me so I could go give those girls a talking to. They told me what happened and he reluctantly admitted to his crime and I considered the situation handled. As soon as I got inside I started laughing. He got mad at me of course but I explained why what happened was his own fault and that he had it coming. You can't go around starting trouble with people and not expect to get your ass handed to you. It was a lesson well learned and after that I observed him telling his buddies to shut up when they started calling other kids names.

Everyone does stupid things sometimes. That doesn't make them stupid. What makes a person stupid is the inability or refusal to acknowledge the mistake and learn from it. People who blame others for everything are stupid. People who refuse to admit wrong doing and accept the consequences. Like those who go around starting trouble and when the backlash hits they whine that everyone is unfairly picking on them. The movie MEAN GIRLS showcased this quite well, and it seems to be common among the female species. Unfortunately, many never grow out of it or rise above it. In Mean Girls, the popular girl in school spreads rumors about people who she fears may threaten her status. If she sees someone having a good day without giving her credit for it somehow she finds a way to destroy that person's day and make them miserable. Then finally someone who had had enough got back at her. The gossip began and the popular girl got a healthy helping at what she had been dishing out all her life. And she acted as if the world was suddenly so cruel to her. Stupid huh. Completely unable and unwilling to see that she was getting what she deserved. If she had acknowledged it early on and sincerely apologized and made an effort to stop being such a bitch, people may have stopped. But she didn't so she eventually was destroyed and I think hit by a bus in the end. I think that was comedy flair at the end. The director had to throw in what all viewers really wanted to see. a mean girl hit by a bus lol.

But I am still stuck with the question in my head, am I bad for enjoying seeing bad things happen to mean stupid people? Does it make me as bad as them? I'll be struggling with this one for a while.

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